AIIDE Artifact Archive

Optimizing Profit by Mitigating Recurrent Churn Labeling Issues

Date Archived: 11 October 2021
Accompanying Paper: Optimizing Profit by Mitigating Recurrent Churn Labeling Issues: Analysis from the Game Domain
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This paper mitigates recurrent issues when labeling players as churners. It tackles two main issues: first, players are labeled using the behavior of the whole player base. Second, the definition of churn is static. We applied a novel metric to define churn individually (named Individual Fixed Value) and a novel evaluation metric (named Churn Definition Change Rate) that can be used as a warning that the definition should be updated and the churn classifier should be retrained.

How to Cite This Artifact

The examples below show how to cite this page, but when referring to this work, many authors will prefer that you cite the accompanying paper linked above.

AAAI Style
Humenhuk, J. F.; Kummer, L. B. M.; and Paraiso, E. C. 2021. Optimizing Profit by Mitigating Recurrent Churn Labeling Issues. Accessed 22 October 2024.
IEEE Style
J. F. Humenhuk, L. B. M. Kummer, and E. C. Paraiso, "Optimizing Profit by Mitigating Recurrent Churn Labeling Issues," 2021. [Online]. Available: [Accessed Oct 22, 2024].
BiBTeX Entry
	author={Humenhuk, João Felipe and Kummer, Luiz Bernardo Martins and Paraiso, Emerson Cabrera},
	title={Optimizing Profit by Mitigating Recurrent Churn Labeling Issues},
	note={Accessed 22 October 2024}