AIIDE Artifact Archive

Chaos Cards

Date Archived: 19 October 2020
Accompanying Paper: Chaos Cards: Creating Novel Digital Card Games through Grammatical Content Generation and Meta-Based Card Evaluation
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Chaos Cards is a prototype digital card game with a style similar to Hearthstone. It supports procedurally generated cards with diverse effects defined by a set of grammar rules. The project also features on using simulation and evolution to evaluate the performance of randomly generated cards. Chaos Cards is implemented with C++ and Grammatical Item Generation Language (GIGL).

How to Cite This Artifact

The examples below show how to cite this page, but when referring to this work, many authors will prefer that you cite the accompanying paper linked above.

AAAI Style
Chen, T.; and Guy, S. J. 2020. Chaos Cards. Accessed 10 February 2025.
IEEE Style
T. Chen, and S. J. Guy, "Chaos Cards," 2020. [Online]. Available: [Accessed Feb 10, 2025].
BiBTeX Entry
	author={Chen, Tiannan and Guy, Stephen J.},
	title={Chaos Cards},
	note={Accessed 10 February 2025}